Any adult concerned about the welfare of a child or young person can call the Swim England Child Safeguarding Team on 01509 640252 or via
This could be neglect or abuse, bullying or fear of someone, or anything that is worrying you and you don’t know who to discuss it with.
Alternatively, you can call the NSPCC helpline for free and confidential advice on 0808 800 5000 or email
Children can contact Childline for free on 0800 1111 or visit and speak to a counsellor about a worry or concern they may have.
Welfare Officer
Our Welfare Officer is David Bradley who can be contacted at any time to talk to or ask for help.
David Bradley
Bournemouth Swimming Club has adopted and implemented the Swim England’s Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. These are laid out in the Swim England’s Wavepower manual. Wavepower is about safeguarding children and young people in line with current legislation and guidance